
lekfullt lärande

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Stockholm, Sweden

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri : 09.00 AM - 03.00 PM

Fun and Creativity Simultaneously

Based on the diversity of different languages ​​and cultures in our business, we want to give each child a safe environment so that each child develops their best self.

About Rubinisens

The right environment for growing

Rubinisens provides educational care for children aged one to six. Our educational care is characterized by cultural diversity and the majority of our children have a mother tongue other than Swedish.

Years of Experience
0 +

Our Value

Better Future through Play

Play is an important part of children’s development and learning. Through play, children develop different abilities and skills. In our business, play must permeate our work.

We will invest heavily in developing our learning environment so that we can offer all children an accessible, inspiring learning environment. Our focus area is language, mathematics, science and technology.

The activities must be carried out in democratic ways with respect for the children's rights.

We see and affirm each child, work to give each child a strong sense of self and have a permissive attitude.

Our Classes

Fun and Study Together

The staff designs the activity so that it promotes play and creativity and takes advantage of and strengthens the children’s interest in learning.


Activity should give each child the ability to play with words, tell stories, express thoughts, ask questions, argue and communicate with others in different contexts and with different purposes.


The activity must provide every child with the prerequisites to develop the ability to distinguish, express, investigate and use mathematical concepts and relationships between concepts.

Science & Technology

The activity should give every child the prerequisite to develop the ability to explore, describe with different forms of expression, ask questions about and talk about science and technology.

Our Core Values

Learning fun, sharing the joy

The governing documents that form the basis of our work are the School Act, general advice for educational care, the curriculum for preschool, our operational plan and the equal treatment plan, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and Nacka Municipality’s guidelines.

Healthy Meals

We offer a varied and nutritious diet that meets the children's needs

Children Safety

We regularly carry out risk assessments to identify and remedy any hazards.

Cute Environment

We provide environment for the young to become more creative.

Our Teachers

Far from parents, preschool teachers caring

Our bussiness is designed upon respect for each child’s rights and responsibility.

  • We will offer the children on estimulating and challenging learning environment with various meeting places that attract curiosity, joy and creativity with adults present.
  • We will give the children the opportunity for different forms of expression such as dance, music, creation.
  • We will talk to the children through open questions and follow-up questions.
  • We will start from children’s early experiences and pre-understanding.
  • We will work based on the “Before Bornholm model” for language collections.
  • We will work with a project-oriented working method to give the children the opportunity for in-depth knowledge.

Why Choose Us

Different kids, different learning

We will read books about different life conditions and talk to the children about them.

Reading Area

We ensure that each child recieves his/her own private reading space under supervision of a preschool teacher.

Outbound Area

We manage visits to different outbound areas such as library and meeting places nearby.

Playing Area

We provide playing area equiped with lego toys and fun stuff.


Parents Say About Rubinisen

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Join Our Fun Class with other Classmates

Parental cooperation and the guardian’s influence in the activities are crucial to creating a rewarding and inclusive environment for the children.

Opening Hours : Mon - Fri (09.00-17.00)

Our Address : Stockholm Sweden

Phone Number : +46123445678